Monday, February 22, 2010

Ice Skating: My first complete goal!

My family and I went up to Lake Placid for the Empire State Games this past weekend.  My sister competes in monoskiing.  While we were there, Justin and I decided to skate around the Olympic Speed Skating Oval.  It was so much fun!
Me Skating towards Justin

Justin Skating to me
Trying to capture Justin "doing a move"

Whip it!

W is for Whip it!

This movie was really enjoyable and funny.  I loved watching a movie with mostly women in it, who were genuinely funny.  The plot was a bit predictable, but some things were pleasant surprises.  I don't really always want to watch movies to be shocked by plot twists, and Whip It provided just the kind of fun I was looking for.  I really want to try roller derby now!

Book updates

Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper.

I have to admit, I have gotten sucked right in to this fantasy series.  The last children's fantasy series I read - Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles - were a little heavy-handed, so I wasn't expecting a lot here.  Now I can say I should not have lost faith is what has always been one of my favorite genres.

I'm not saying Cooper's stories are the most complex things I have ever read, although I felt a bit mind-blown during one reveal in this book's sequel, The Dark is Rising.  The story was a quick read, and exciting towards the end.  I still have many questions since I am just finishing up the second book of the five-book series.  I love the use of ancient English mythology in these books so far.  It isn't something I've been over-exposed to.  I feel like there are many legends I don't know, that I will happily discover through these books.  Looking forward to the rest of the series.

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

When I was reading this book I was completely enthralled with the characters, and the voice of Suzie Salmon.  I thought using the voice of the dead Suzie was a very interesting way to learn about her family members in a very intimate way.  It was a good insight into a family's process of grieving and moving on with their lives.

Day 48 Update

Almost to the benchmark of 50 days, and I'm still working on my list a little bit each day!
Here is where I am on my progress in February:

8.  Go Ice Skating:  Complete!  I think this is the first goal that I have finished completely.  Justin and I went skating in the Olympic speed skating oval in Lake Placid, NY.  The oval is outdoors, which was really cool.  I will post pictures later.

16.  Journal 5 times a month.  So far I am behind again.  I've journalled twice so far, but I'll make it up before the month is out.

20.  I have finished another adult novel:  The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.  I'll post about it later

21. I've finished the first children's book for this goal by reading Over Sea and Under Stone, the first in The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper.  I've also just finished the second book, although that won't go on my list.  I'll be writing a post about this one as well.

24.  Get a job.  No luck, but I've been continuing my search every day.

37. I have my "W" movie for the list: Whip It,  I'll post about it later

40.  So far I have had one night a week in which I am tv-free after 7 pm

42. Make 20 New Recipes:  I haven't tried a new one recently, but I went through all of my cookbooks and put post-its on recipes I want to try.

43. Keep Recipes I like in one binder.  I made good progress on this one so far.  I typed all of the loose and hand-written recipes I had in my binder onto actual binder pages.  Next I need to make a system for keeping track of the rest of my recipes.

44. Cook at home once a week.  I have been keeping up with this.  So far this month I have made Shepherd's Pie, chicken pot pie, and potato leek soup.

49.  Justin and I had a date night on Valentine's day.  We got dressed up and went out to eat at a really nice restaurant.

67.  Wii fit or yoga 3 times a week.  This did not work out this month and I'm going to try again next month

68.  Emergency car kit:  I have created a list of what I want, but have not bought it yet

72.  I took three good videos on my flip last weekend at the Empire State Games.  I'm not sure if I want to post any here yet.

83.  This is my two-week review although it is a little late, and i'll do another before the month is over.

85.  I cashed in my first jar of change today.  It was mostly pennies so I just got $16.00, but at least it's something.