Monday, February 22, 2010

Book updates

Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper.

I have to admit, I have gotten sucked right in to this fantasy series.  The last children's fantasy series I read - Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles - were a little heavy-handed, so I wasn't expecting a lot here.  Now I can say I should not have lost faith is what has always been one of my favorite genres.

I'm not saying Cooper's stories are the most complex things I have ever read, although I felt a bit mind-blown during one reveal in this book's sequel, The Dark is Rising.  The story was a quick read, and exciting towards the end.  I still have many questions since I am just finishing up the second book of the five-book series.  I love the use of ancient English mythology in these books so far.  It isn't something I've been over-exposed to.  I feel like there are many legends I don't know, that I will happily discover through these books.  Looking forward to the rest of the series.

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

When I was reading this book I was completely enthralled with the characters, and the voice of Suzie Salmon.  I thought using the voice of the dead Suzie was a very interesting way to learn about her family members in a very intimate way.  It was a good insight into a family's process of grieving and moving on with their lives.

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