Wednesday, January 6, 2010

101 in 1001

This is my third 101 list. The first one I got pretty far with and gave up on. The last one I only started last January, but I never kept track of it. I'm in a new period of my life now and wanted to start over. This time I thought harder about realistic goals that I could also be enthusiastic about. I left empty goals to fill in later instead of putting in things I will get bored with.

I am 24 years old, and I have just completed my masters in information studies. I am currently looking for a job as a school media specialist. I think a lot of changes are going to come about in my life in the next 1001 days, so it was hard to even imagine what I would be doing.

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Beginning Date: 6 January 2010
End Date: 10/3/2012

50 days: 2/25/2010
100 days: 4/16/2010
250 days: 9/13/2010
500 days: 5/21/2011
750 days: 1/26/2012

Items in green are complete: 19/101
Items in purple are in progress: 28/101

1. Go see three waterfalls (0/3) (more info)
2. Find a geocache (more info)
3. Try skiing (more info)
4. Go camping at least once a year (0/3) (more info)
5. Go to a water park (more info)
6. Go Kayaking (more info)
7. Go hiking (more info)
8. Go ice skating (more info)
9. Get a literary tattoo (more info)

10. Print pictures from my year abroad in England and put them in an album (more info)
11. Finish my quilt (more info)
12. Finish my Author/Writing inspiration bulletin board (more info)
13. Learn 5 songs on my bass (0/5) (more info)
14. Submit a short story for publication (more info)
15. Write first draft of a novel (more info)
16. Write in my paper journal 5 times every month (more info)
17. Complete a 26 things photo scavenger hunt one month (0/26) (more info)

18. Read 5 of my writing books (0/5) (more info)
19. Read 5 Shakespeare plays that I haven’t read before (0/5) (more info)
20. Read 30 adult books I’ve never read before (16/30) (more info)
21. Read children’s chapter books by authors starting with every letter from A-Z (12/26)(more info)
22. Read YA books by authors starting with every letter from A-Z (16/26)(more info)
23. Go to a book signing (more info)

24. Get a job as a school library media specialist (more info)
25. Attend one library organization conference (more info)
26. Use three Web 2.0 tools in lessons with students (1/3) (more info)
27. Buy 5 dresses or skirts that I will actually wear to work (2/5) (more info)
28. Make a list of priorities for the week at my job 10 weeks in a row (0/10) (more info)
29. Promote my library in 5 different ways (3/5) (more info)
30. Learn more about living intelligently on a teacher’s salary (more info)

31. See a Broadway show (more info)
32. Go to a sporting event (more info)
33. Go to a concert (more info)
34. Go to a drive in movie (more info)
35. Cut down number of tv shows I watch by one third of the hours 22.5/24 (more info)
36. Watch only an hour of TV a day for 1 month (0/30) (more info)
37. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet (15/26)(more info)
40. Stop watching TV after 7pm 1 night a week (22/123) (more info)
41. Have 3 board game nights (3/3) (more info)

42. Make 20 new recipes (20/20) (more info)
43. Keep recipes I like in one binder (more info)
44. Cook once a week while I live at home (more info)
45. Go to 10 new restaurants (10/10) (more info)
46. Try 20 new kinds of beer (20/20) (more info)

47. Make a conscious effort to speak louder and be heard the first time I say something (more info)
48. Make a new friend (more info)
49. Go on a date every month with Justin (8/33) (more info)
50. Move out of my parents' house for good. (more info)
51. Shop at local businesses 20 times (12/20) (more info)
52. Get engaged (more info)
53. Join some kind of group that meets regularly (e.g. book club) (more info)

54. Make a list of 100 things I want to know more about (100/100) (more info)
55. Research 10 of these things (0/10) (more info)
56. Read the news three times a week for 6 months (1/6) (more info)
57. Complete the simple dollar 31 days to fix your finances (0/31) (more info)
58. Read biographies of the first 5 presidents (0/5) (more info)
59. Take 5 recreational classes or workshops (0/5) (more info)
60. Read 75 skills every woman should master, and master 10 more (0/10) (more info)

Health and fitness
61. Get HPV vaccine (3/3) (more info)
62. Cut soda out of my diet (more info)
63. Actively seek out doctors to solve current medical issues (more info)
64. Learn effective techniques for managing anxiety, including consulting a doctor (more info)
65. Take a fitness class (more info)
66. Switch to the Curly Girl hair method (more info)
67. Do my Wii Fit or Yoga DVDs 3 times a week for 3 months (2/36) (more info)
68. Make an emergency kit for my car (more info)
92. Complete the 200 sit-up challenge(more info)
93. Complete 100 push-ups (more info)
94.  Complete the 12 week beginner walking program (6/12)(more info)

69. Play in the snow (more info)
70. Do something outside for 30 days total in one summer (10/30) (more info)
71. Take a photo a day for 6 months (0/180) (more info)
72. Take 100 videos with my flip mino (31/100) (more info)
73. Wear a costume one Halloween (more info)
74. Get a dog (more info)

75. Go to 5 fairs or other local events (2/5) (more info)
76. Go to three state parks (0/3) (more info)
77. Go to 3 states I’ve never been to. One must not border the Atlantic (0/3) (more info)
78. Go to a park 4 times in one summer (1/4) (more info)

79. Give a present to a child on a wish tree each Christmas (1/2) (more info)
80. Volunteer 50 hours at a dog shelter (more info)
81. Make a Kiva loan (more info)
82. Create and donate a blanket to Project Linus (more info)

The list
83. Review and update this list at least once every two weeks (9/60) (more info)
84. Create a blog to track progress and update regularly (more info)
85. Collect my loose change and keep it to fund my wedding (more info)
86. Create new 101 list (more info)

Apartment goals:
87. Hem the curtains in our apartment(more info)
88. Reorganize the kitchen to make it easier to use.
89. Wash dishes every day right after dinner for 2 weeks (1/14)
90. Go three new places in the Utica area (0/3)
91. Take a bubble bath in our apartments huge bath tub

95. Make at least one DIY project for my wedding(more info)
96. Make something (clothing or accessory) that I am willing to wear in public
38. Buy a new laptop
39. Write in write or die for 15, then 20, then 30 minutes (0/3)
97. Make a recording for librivox

98. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011(more info)
99. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011
100. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011
101. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011

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