Monday, March 15, 2010

First March Update

I don't have too much exciting to update yet this month.

11.  I ironed all of the seams on my quilt and it is ready to be cut into small squares

13.  I've been practicing "Zombie"

16.  I've already journaled three times this month, so this goal is getting on track

24.  I've been searching for jobs every day, and I've applied for two more.  I also updated my OLAS profile, and my wiki portfolio with my latests information.

40.  I missed doing a tv free night last week, but I did it in the first week of March

44.  I have cooked twice for my family.  I made parmesan dijon chicken one week, and stuffed shells this past week.

63.  I finally got insurance!  I went to one doctor today, and have two more appointments with other doctors I needed to see.

67.  I already messed up my exercising for this month.  I'm not sure how to motivate myself.

72.  I took one video with my flip camera at the St. Patrick's day parade after party.

75.  I went to one local event.  My family and I went to the Binghamton St. Patrick's day parade, as well as the after party at Seton school.  We had good food, beer, and lots of bagpipe music.

85.  I've been keeping up with collecting my change.  I try to use mostly my bills so that the change will add up faster.

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