Monday, January 18, 2010

Starting my movie mission!

Since the beginning of my 1001 days I've made some headway on goal number 37, to watch 26 movies starting with each letter of the alphabet.

L: Leap Year
I went to see this movie with my mom and sister since we rarely go to the movies together. I hadn't planned on seeing it because I thought it looked silly, but I was pleasantly surprised. I really like Amy Adams, and she was adorable as usual. I liked seeing the bits of Ireland in the movie, and the plot wasn't quite as ridiculous as I thought it would be. Also, Matthew Goode is very hot. I did not mind watching him for two hours at all. Like any romantic comedy, the ending was a little to perfect, but I never mind that. I like happy movies.

O: Once
This is one I've been meaning to watch for a while. I was worried that it would have a sad ending because many indie films seem to be fairly serious. I am glad I watched it, because I LOVED it. While it doesn't have the perfect romantic comedy plot, it is perfect because it is so real. The music is lovely, and I found myself wanting the soundtrack as soon as I was done with the movie. The relationship that builds between the guy and girl in the movie is real and touching. I'll definitely be watching this one again.

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