Monday, January 18, 2010

Update: Day 13

Well this is my first official update. I haven't gotten too much big done yet. I'm still in the organizational stages of this list. I haven't finished getting my blog set up or anything, but I'm happy with my list at least, which is a good start.

Here is what is in progress:

24. Get a job as a school library media specialist. I had an interview last Friday. They are going to have a round of second interviews of people they liked. Hopefully I get called back.

35. Cut down on the number of TV shows I watch by 1/3. I have created a list of shows I currently watch in order to determine the number of hours I need to cut down. This information is on the tasks main page.

37. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet. (2/26)
I've now filled "O" by seeing Once and "L" by seeing Leap Year. My next post will be brief thoughts on the movie.

40. Stop watching TV after 7 pm 1 night a week (2/123) I've been doing alright with this one so far

42. Make 20 new recipes (1/20) This one is going to be pretty easy because I like cooking. I will shortly be posting about the food I made: a breakfast dish from my new Top Chef Quickfire Cookbook

44. Cook once a week while living at home. So far I've cooked once each week: Barbecue pork sandwiches and chicken parmesan.

66. Switch to curly girl hair method. I've started to do this, but I haven't switched to all of the techniques yet. So far the biggest thing I've done is switched my conditioner to one without "cones," which cause build-up on the hair. I've also been cleaning with conditioner instead of shampoo.

83, 84, and 85: All have to do with monitoring progress, blogging, and saving change to fund my list. So far so good.

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