Sunday, January 31, 2010

Finally introduced to Jason Bourne

I finally watched the Bourne Identity as one of my movies.  I've been meaning to watch this for a long time.  I really enjoyed it.  It was a good action movie and makes me want to see the next movies.  It definitely felt like the start of  a series, and that there was  more to tell.

Day 26 update

Here is what I am working on or have completed now:

11. I have been working on my quilt. So far I have cut out all of my strips, and sewn the green and yellow strips together. Next up I'll be adding red strips.

16. I failed to write in my journal at all in January, so I'm going to make more of an effort to get my five entries in February

24. I have not gotten a job yet, but I've created a schedule for myself to check ads in different places every day.

35. So far I have cut out a few shows. I am not watching Models of the Runway after Project Runway. After last week's episode proved the show is getting really stupid, I'm going to stop watching Private Practice. I'm also seriously considering dropping Heroes. I know I'm way behind on giving up on that one

37. I have another movie to add to the list. I've finally watched the Bourne Identity.

40. I have been keeping up with this goal to stop watching tv after 7 once a week

44. I have been cooking once a week for my family. This past week I cooked Macaroni and Cheese.

46. I started my beer drinking goal last night. I had double dog double pale ale at the Cyber Cafe. It was very strong in both flavor and alcohol content, but I liked it.

49. The above was also mine and Justin's January date night. We went out to the Cyber Cafe to see a funk band. It wasn't quite our type of music, but it was entertaining and the singer was very talented. We had a couple of beers, but decided to go out for desert after the show. We went out for ice cream.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Shiver: My first YA book for the list

I just finished Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater for task number 22. This is a young adult novel about Grace, a girl who has always been fascinated about the wolves that roam the woods near her house. She is particularly attracted to one wolf with yellow eyes who saved her from his fellow wolves in an attack when she was younger.

Grace eventually finds out that this wolf is Sam, a werewolf. Wolves in this book are human in the warm summer months, and become wolves when cold hits.
Unfortunately, their summers are limited, and this may be Sam's last one.

Sam and Grace meet and are instantly in love. The book was good, but a little disappointing. It was slow moving, and the two characters were immediately in love, even citing their time as two different species as part of their long relationship. Sometimes the voice of the characters was good, and they were compelling, but at other times the language was too flowery. Sam especially was a little too emo and poetic for my tastes. It was a quick read, and especially at the end I was hooked into the plot, wanting to know what happened. I just had higher expectations for this one.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fun at an Irish Pub

I got off to a good start on goal 45 the other day when I took Justin out to lunch at McGirk's Irish pub. We were celebrating Justin getting hired for his first teaching position, and we both enjoy pubs, so we decided to try out this local restaurant we hadn't been to before.

It is a nice place, that often hosts music. We decided we would like to go back there for dinner or later when it is busier and there is entertainment.

Justin had a buffalo chicken sandwich, and I had a reuben, but instead of sauerkraut it had coleslaw. We also both had a cup of their daily soup -- twice baked potato-- Which was delicious. I would definitely go back again.

I, Claudius

I started working towards goal number twenty today: Read 50 adult books I’ve never read before. I finished the remarkable I, Claudius by Robert Graves. Not knowing much about the history of Ancient Rome, I wasn't sure if I would find the subject of this novel boring or difficult to relate to. It was quite the opposite. The book is a fictional autobiography of the Roman Emperor Claudius, who was considered to be an idiot and an invalid by his family. He manages to survive several previous Emperor, all of his family to become emperor.

The book is fascinating because it is really less about Claudius than about his family members. We get his perspective on everyone from his manipulative grandmother Livia, his cruel uncle the Emperor Tiberius, and his nephew, the mad Caligula. I just found out there is a companion book that goes more into Claudius's reign, which I must read.

Another movie added to the list

An update on goal number 37

A for Adventureland. I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. The humor relied less on gags and more on the awkward characters, which was nice. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but I really loved seeing Martin Starr again, and Kristen Wiig is becoming a favorite of mine.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Get cooking!

I've started goal number 42, to make 20 new recipes.

I started out with a recipe from my new Top Chef Quickfire Cookbook. It was Leah's Grilled Bread with Bacon and Egg. The dish is meant to be a breakfast amuse bouche, but Justin and I made them more full-sized.

This was the best breakfast I've had in a long time. It is a piece of good toasted bread, topped in a delicious mix of tomato, red pepper flakes and shallots. Then it is topped with bacon, a sunny-side-up egg, parmesan cheese, and a fried sage leaf. The tomato and shallot mix was one of the tastiest things I've ever had. I would eat that on toast every day. The fried sage leaf was also incredibly delicious. I felt like a real chef making something like this, and I'll definitely do it again.

Starting my movie mission!

Since the beginning of my 1001 days I've made some headway on goal number 37, to watch 26 movies starting with each letter of the alphabet.

L: Leap Year
I went to see this movie with my mom and sister since we rarely go to the movies together. I hadn't planned on seeing it because I thought it looked silly, but I was pleasantly surprised. I really like Amy Adams, and she was adorable as usual. I liked seeing the bits of Ireland in the movie, and the plot wasn't quite as ridiculous as I thought it would be. Also, Matthew Goode is very hot. I did not mind watching him for two hours at all. Like any romantic comedy, the ending was a little to perfect, but I never mind that. I like happy movies.

O: Once
This is one I've been meaning to watch for a while. I was worried that it would have a sad ending because many indie films seem to be fairly serious. I am glad I watched it, because I LOVED it. While it doesn't have the perfect romantic comedy plot, it is perfect because it is so real. The music is lovely, and I found myself wanting the soundtrack as soon as I was done with the movie. The relationship that builds between the guy and girl in the movie is real and touching. I'll definitely be watching this one again.

Update: Day 13

Well this is my first official update. I haven't gotten too much big done yet. I'm still in the organizational stages of this list. I haven't finished getting my blog set up or anything, but I'm happy with my list at least, which is a good start.

Here is what is in progress:

24. Get a job as a school library media specialist. I had an interview last Friday. They are going to have a round of second interviews of people they liked. Hopefully I get called back.

35. Cut down on the number of TV shows I watch by 1/3. I have created a list of shows I currently watch in order to determine the number of hours I need to cut down. This information is on the tasks main page.

37. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet. (2/26)
I've now filled "O" by seeing Once and "L" by seeing Leap Year. My next post will be brief thoughts on the movie.

40. Stop watching TV after 7 pm 1 night a week (2/123) I've been doing alright with this one so far

42. Make 20 new recipes (1/20) This one is going to be pretty easy because I like cooking. I will shortly be posting about the food I made: a breakfast dish from my new Top Chef Quickfire Cookbook

44. Cook once a week while living at home. So far I've cooked once each week: Barbecue pork sandwiches and chicken parmesan.

66. Switch to curly girl hair method. I've started to do this, but I haven't switched to all of the techniques yet. So far the biggest thing I've done is switched my conditioner to one without "cones," which cause build-up on the hair. I've also been cleaning with conditioner instead of shampoo.

83, 84, and 85: All have to do with monitoring progress, blogging, and saving change to fund my list. So far so good.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

97-101. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011

I thought it was a good idea to have some undefined goals instead of filling my list with goals that I didn't really want to do.  When I think of a new goal I will create a new post for it.  These five goals are to be filled by my birthday in 2011.  I didn't want to leave all of my undefined goals to the last minute.

95-96. Reserved to be filled by 12/31/2010

I thought it was a good idea to have some undefined goals instead of filling my list with goals that I didn't really want to do.  When I think of a new goal I will create a new post for it.  These five goals are to be filled by the end of 2010.  I didn't want to leave all of my undefined goals to the last minute.

87-91. Reserved for goals when I move into my own apartment

These are five undefined goals that are reserved for when I move into my own apartment or house.  I am assuming that I will have several projects and goals for my new home, so these goals will be filled with projects for making my new home mine.

86. Create new 101 list

I will consider this goal complete if/when: By the end of 1001 days I have a new list of 101 things to start again.  Like this list, it is okay if it does not start with the full 101, but at least 70.

Why this goal is on my list: I think I have finally figured out how to be successful with a 101 list, hopefully I can celebrate the success of this list with the creation of new goals.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog posts here

Goal progress: to do

85. Collect my loose change and keep it to fund my wedding

I consider this goal complete when/if: Throughout the 1001 days I keep my loose change, and cash it in at intervals to help fund the goals on this list

Why this is on my list: Some of my goals are going to take money, and this is an easy way to save up without thinking too much about it.

Edit: I am now keeping my change to go to my wedding fund

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: *in progress

84. Create a blog to track progress and update regularly

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have kept up with blog updates throughout the 1001 days

Why this is on my list: I would like to document this journey, and commit to actually using a blog for once.

This goal will be tracked by continuing to post on this blog

Goal Status: in progress

83. Review and update this list at least once every two weeks

I consider this goal complete when/if: I go over my list every two weeks, setting new weekly goals, and updating my blog

Why this is on my list: I need to me more organized, and allow for regular reassessing of my goals in order to be successful this time

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress (9/60)

82. Create and donate a blanket to Project Linus

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have made and donated one blanket to Project Linus

Why this is on my list: Project Linus is an organization that gives donated blankets to children in hospitals.  I think this is a good cause, and I like to make blankets but don't necessarily need more myself.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do 

81. Make a Kiva loan

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have made a loan of at least $25 dollars at

Why this is on my list: When I heard about this site I thought it was a really great idea.  A kiva loan gives money to entrepreneurs in underdeveloped regions who are trying to start a business.  They then pay back the loan as their business gets underway.  If I get my whole loan back I'd like to invest it in another business.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

80. Volunteer 50 hours at a dog shelter

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have volunteered at a dog shelter for a total of 50 hours during my 1001 days. 

Why this is on my list: I want to start giving back to my community, and animals mean a lot to me.  I think I will really enjoy doing this goal.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do (0/50)

79. Give a present to a child on a wish tree each Christmas

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have fulfilled a wish on a wish tree for Christmas of 2010 and 2011

Why this is on my list: My family has often participated in this type of giving at Christmas, and I would like to start doing it on my own as well.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress (1/2)

2010:  gave to a 17 year old girl (Twilight Eclipse movie)

78. Go to a park 4 times in one summer

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have gone to a park for at least part of a day 4 times in one summer.

Why this is on my list: I get lazy in the summer and want goals that will get me outside more.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress: 1/4

77. Go to 3 states I’ve never been to. One must not border the Atlantic

I consider this goal complete when/if: I go for at least a day to three states I have never been to.  One must not be an East Coast State, and just driving through doesn't count.

Why this is on my list: I have traveled more in Europe than my own country.  I have never been off of the east coast in the US, and would like to travel more.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

76. Go to three state parks

I consider this goal complete when/if: I go to three state parks during my 1001 days.  I prefer to camp at them, but I will accept a good day trip as well.

Why this is on my list: I love parks, they provide cheap entertainment, and I love camping with Justin when possible.  

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

75. Go to 5 fairs or other local events

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have gone to five local events in 1001 days.  This will probably mean local festivals or fairs.  

Why this is on my list: I love going to local events in the community, and this will be a good opportunity to do that.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress (2/5)

1.  Binghamton St. Patrick's Day Parade 2010
2. Apalachin Field Days 2010

74. Get a dog

I consider this goal complete when/if: I own a dog 

Why this is on my list: This is one of my biggest life goals right now.  I really want my own dog, but it will take some time because I need to get the rest of my living situation together to properly care for one.  

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

73. Wear a costume one Halloween

I consider this goal complete when/if: I wear a costume on Halloween during my 1001 days

Why this is on my list: I haven't fully committed to Halloween in a few years, so I thought it would be fun to dress up one year.

I will post when this goal is complete

Goal Status: to do

72. Take 100 videos with my flip mino

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have taken 100 videos that I want to keep with my flip mino

Why this is on my list: I just got my flip, and I want to have this goal as a reminder to use it, and film my life.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress: 31/100 as of 3/6/11

71. Take a photo a day for 6 months

I consider this goal complete when/if: During one 6 month period I take one photograph every day.

Why this is on my list: I want to do a task that will get me taking more pictures of my every day life.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

70. Do something outside for 30 days total in one summer

I consider this goal complete when/if: During one summer I spend 30 days doing something outside, even just reading on the back porch instead of my room.  I'll define summer as June-August.

Why this is on my list: I am pretty lazy about going outside, especially when it is hot and sunny.  I'd like to work on this.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress (10/30) as of 6/30

69. Play in the snow

I consider this goal complete when/if: I play in snow one time.  This can be anything, from making a snow man, to snow angels. 

Why this is on my list: I live in an area that gets snow in the winter, but haven't spent time enjoying it much since I was little.

This is a one-off goal that will be updated here

Goal Status: complete

Justin and I had our engagement photos taken in the snow, so I'm counting that.  It was so much fun!

68. Make an emergency kit for my car

I consider this goal complete when/if: I compile an emergency kit including items such as blankets, flares, flashlights, etc for my car.

Why this is on my list: My car is pretty old and isn't going to last forever.  I also live in an area with lots of snow in the winter.  I would like to be better prepared than I am now.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

67. Do my Wii Fit or Yoga DVDs 3 times a week for 3 months

I consider this goal complete when/if: During a 3 month period I exercise by using Wii Fit or my Yoga DVDs 3 times a week.

Why this is on my list: I have these exercise tools at my disposal and would like to use them to get healthier.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress
Week of 1/17: (2/3)

66. Switch to the Curly Girl hair method

I consider this goal complete when/if: I follow all parts of the Curly Girl Hair method in the Curly Girl book that work well for my hair

Why this is on my list: I never straiten my hair, so I figure I should do what I can to make my curly hair look as good as it can. The Curly Girl method involves cutting out harmful shampoo, and conditioners with ingredients such as silicones that build up in hair.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress

65. Take a fitness class

I consider this goal complete when/if: I take any fitness class that lasts at least 6 weeks, such as yoga classes.

Why this is on my list: I am not in great shape, and would like to become stronger and more flexible.  I exercise on my own sometimes, but I think I can benefit from a professional guiding me.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

64. Learn effective techniques for managing anxiety, including consulting a doctor

I consider this goal complete when/if: I ask a doctor about my anxiety, and begin a treatment strategy.

Why this is on my list: I have anxiety that can really be crippling, and simple breathing exercises do not work.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

63. Actively seek out doctors to solve current medical issues

I consider this goal complete when/if: I make doctors appointments about various health concerns I have.  I have a list to discuss that I won't post here.

Why this is on my list: I hate going to doctors and tend to put off going a lot.  I have several things I need to get checked once I have insurance.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress
I have had an OBGYN appointment, and have an appointment with my PCP soon

62. Cut soda out of my diet

I consider this goal complete when/if: During the 1001 days I eventually stop drinking soda.  Once I have gone without regularly drinking it for a few months, it is okay if I have it occasionally. 

Why this is on my list: I don't even like soda as much as I used to, and there is way too much sugar in it.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

61. Get HPV vaccine

I consider this goal complete when/if: I get all three shots for the HPV vaccine during the 101 days

Why this is on my list: I'm getting closer to the age when I'll be too old for this.  I've been putting it off too long.

This goal will updated when complete

Goal Status: complete (3/3)

60. Read 75 skills every woman should master, and master 10 more

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have read the blog 75 skills every woman should master, and mastered 10 goals that were previously unmastered.

Why this is on my list: I like the idea of this list, and the skills are challenging.  Many of them I think will help me as I begin my career, so it is a good time to consider these goals.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: in progress:  I have read the list and checked off the few that I have already mastered.  I have also highlighted a few that I may be interested in pursuing.

59. Take 5 recreational classes or workshops

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have taken 5 fun classes, like cooking classes, or some kind of community college course that isn't for any kind of grade.

Why this is on my list: I may be out of school, but I like learning new things.  I'd like to see what is out there.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: to do

58. Read biographies of the first 5 presidents

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have completely read a biography of each of the first five presidents

Why this is on my list: I was a history major in college, but my interest was in European history.  After college I began to be more interested in American history.  This is one step in learning more about our history.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: to do

57. Complete the simple dollar 31 days to fix your finances

I consider this goal complete when/if: I complete the simple dollar 31 days to fix your finances located here

Why this is on my list: I saw this on another list and thought it was a good idea.  I am concerned about getting the most out of my income in the future.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

56. Read the news three times a week for 6 months

I consider this goal complete when/if: During a 6 month period I read the news three times a day.  I expect to read some local and national news.

Why this is on my list: The general purpose of the goal is to become more informed.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress
1/6 months

55. Research 10 of these things

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have researched 10 of the things from the list created in goal number 55.  These items may require different amounts of research, but I trust myself to know when I have enough information to satisfy my curiosity.

Why this is on my list: I will definitely want to know the things on this list, and this will prompt me to make the time to do some interesting research.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

54. Make a list of 100 things I want to know more about (0/100)

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have a written list of 100 things I want to know more about.  They can be about any topic.

Why this is on my list: I am naturally curious, and like to know more about things I have heard about.  I think it will be fun to keep track of this.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog, and I'll post the list when complete

Goal Status: in progress (I've started the list)

53. Join some kind of group that meets regularly (e.g. book club)

I consider this goal complete when/if: I regularly go to group meetings of a group I have joined.  I expect there will be at least a 3 month commitment to this

Why this is on my list: I would like to meet new people, hopefully who have a common interest with me.  I think I would like to join a book group, but I'm open to other kinds of groups.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

52. Get engaged

I consider this goal complete when/if: While I am engaged during the 1001 days

Why this is on my list: I have been with my boyfriend, Justin for six and a half years.  We are finally getting to the point in our lives where we are both done with school and will hopefully both be employed.  We really want to get married soon.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do

51. Shop at local businesses 20 times

I consider this goal complete when/if: Buy something at a local business 20 times during my 1001 days

Why this is on my list: I think it is a good idea to find out what local businesses have to offer, and I would like to give them more business

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress (12/20)

1. Tom's Coffee and Gifts
2. East of the Sun West of the Moon
3. Jared Boskett Photography
4. Ladybug florist
5.  Jim Gazdik Bakery
6. Karalina's Boutique in Clifton Park
7.  Wine store in Richfield Springs
8. Cooperstown Brewery
9. Ommegang Brewery
10. Fly Creek Cider Mill
11.  Bear Pond Winery
12. Plaide Pallette

50. Move out of my parents' house for good

I consider this goal complete when/if: During the 1001 days I move to my own apartment or house permanently.

Why this is on my list: I just moved back in with my parents after finishing college.  It's time to get a job and move out on my own.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress:  Signed a lease for 7/1/10

49. Go on a date every month with Justin

I will consider this goal complete if/when: Every month I go out on a date with Justin.  The date has to be planned ahead of time so that it counts as a date.

Why this goal is on my list: I spend time with my boyfriend all the time, but we tend to be homebodies.  We aren't good at thinking up things to do spur of the moment, so this will encourage planning and maybe doing new things at least once a month.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog posts here

Goal progress: *in progress (8/33)
1.  January 2010:  Cyber Cafe West for Funk band, and out for ice cream after
2.  February 2010:  Valentine's Day dinner at the Silo Restaurant
3.  March 2010: Justin's Birthday, TGI Friday's and Barnes and Noble
4.  April 2010: Flea Market and out to lunch
5. May 2010:  Day out in Corning
6. June 2010: Mets Game
July-Dec lost track
7. January 2011: Went out to register, dinner, and a movie
8. February 2011: Valentine lunch at a pub in Greene, then wine tasting, chinese food and a movie

48. Make a new friend

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have made a new friend that I enjoy spending time with

Why this is on my list: I am not good at making friends.  I'm pretty shy, I wonder what other people think about me, and I'm bad at making plans.  This goal is here to help me get out of my comfort zone, because I really want some friends to hang out with.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: to do

47. Make a conscious effort to speak louder and be heard the first time I say something

I consider this goal complete if/when: I feel that people are asking me to repeat myself less often, and I feel more confident in speaking with others after 1001 days

Why this is on my list: This is one of my least measurable goals, but I thought it was important to include.  I tend to shy away in conversations, and not speak up.  Often times I think I am speaking loud enough to be heard, but I'm really not.  I need to practice enunciating and projecting my voice.  I think I could also improve my assertive body language, to assert my presence in a conversation.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: in progress

46. Try 20 new kinds of beer

I will consider this goal complete if/when: At the end of 1001 days I have tried 20 new beers that I've never had before

Why this goal is on my list: I love beer, but I've been sticking with a lot of the same stuff recently.  Hopefully this will get me thinking more about what I'm buying or ordering

I will update the progress of this goal through blog posts here

Goal progress: Complete (20/20)
1. Double Dog Double Pale Ale
2. Local Gold Ale
3. Twice Bitten Barleywine
4. Fresh Powder Milk Stout
5. Moose Island Ale
6. Lake Placid IPA
7. Ubu Ale
8. Saratoga Lager
9. Saranac Black and Tan
10. Maudite Ale
11. Blanche de Chambly
12.  Trois Pistoles
13.  Old Slugger
14.  Nine Man Ale
15. Benchwarmer
16. Strike Out
17. Backyard IPA
18. Pride of Milford
19. Witte
20. Hennepin

45. Go to 10 new restaurants

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have eaten at 10 restaurants that I have never been to.

Why it is on my list: I love food, but don't often take the time to go out to new places to eat. I would like to make sure I get to a few new restaurants in 1001 days.

I will update with posts on my blog

Goal Status: Complete!
1. McGirk's Irish Pub
2. Christies
3. Lake Placid Pub and Brewery
4. The Silo
5. Los Tapatios
6. Northwoods Inn Restaurant
7.  Carabbas Italian Grill
8.  Moonlight Cafe
9. Taco Juan's
10.  Thali of India

44. Cook once a week while I live at home

I consider this goal complete when/if: While I live with my parents I make a meal for my family once per week

Why this is on my list: I like cooking, and my mom cooks pretty much every other day. This is meant to motivate me to offer to help more around the house.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: in progress: completed 23/25 weeks as of 6/30

43. Keep recipes I like in one binder

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have created a binder with recipes in it, as well as page numbers of recipes I like in my other cook books

Why this is on my list: I would like to be able to find all of my favorite recipes in one convenient place so I can easily plan meals.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: in progress

42. Make 20 new recipes

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have completely cooked or baked 20 recipes that I never have made before

Why this is on my list: I love cooking, and trying out new things. This will have me looking through my cookbooks and other places for good recipes I've never tried

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog:
1.Grilled Bread with bacon and egg
2. Irish Meat Pies
3. Jalapeño poppers
4. Chicken Marsala
5. Onion Rings
6. Turkey Sloppy Joes
7. Sweet Potato Fries
8. Philly Cheese Steak
9.  Jerk Chicken with Asparagus and Cauliflower
10. Smoky BBQ beef sandwiches
11. Mexican Lasagna
12. Wine Chicken with Shallots
13. Phyllo Chicken
14. Rocco's Mac and Cheese
15. Black bean soup with guacamole
16.  Ina Garten's Chicken Piccata
17. Lentil Roasted Garlic Soup
18. Ina Garten's Orange carrots
19.  Ina Garten's Fruit parfaits
20.  Rocco's French Onion Soup
Goal Status: in progress (20/20)

41. Have 3 board game nights

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have had three nights of playing board games with friends.

Why this is on my list: I have lots of fun board games, but often don't make time to play them.  I'm friends with people who would also be interested in doing this, so it would be fun to plan.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: complete
1.  6/23/2010 with Amy and Justin
2. 1/16/2011 with Justin
3. 6/4/2011 with Amy, Justin and Lauren

40. Stop watching TV after 7pm 1 night a week

I will consider this goal complete when/if: I have had one night per week in which I stop watching tv after 7 pm

Why this is on my list: Along with other goals, this is meant to cut back on my tv watching. Hopefully I will use this time to do other goals such as reading or going out to do something
I will keep track of this through updates in my blog

Goal status: in progress (22/123) as of week of 5/23/10
Stopped keeping track so restarting:
As of Jan 25 2011:
5/6 weeks successful

39. See 20 of them

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have seen 20 of the items on the list I created in goal number 38

Why this is on my list: This was also part of the list I got it from.  What good is the list if you don't try to see what is on it?

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: to do

38. Make a list of 100 things I want to see

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have created a written list of 100 things I want to see.  They can be small or big things. 

Why this is on my list: I saw this on someone else's list and really liked the idea.  I would like to try to be creative with this list and think outside the box.

I will post my list here when finished

Goal status: to do

37. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet

I consider this goal complete when/if: I fully watch 26 movies with titles from A-Z

Why it is on my list: I wanted a movie watching goal, and this will be a fun one to fill. Justin and I have started weekly movie nights, which will be a fun way to accomplish this goal

I will document the movies I watch through occasional blog posts that I link here

Goal Status: in progress (17/26)
Bourne Identity
Charlie Bartlett
Despicable Me
Funny Girl
Hamlet 2
Invention of Lying
King's Speech
Leap Year
Princess and the Frog, The
Reign Over Me
Up in the Air
Whip it

36. Watch only an hour of TV a day for 1 month

I will consider this goal complete if/when: I go for a full month in which I watch no more than one hour of tv per day

Why this is on my list: I waste a lot of time watching tv. This combined with some other tasks is meant to cut down on this

I will update through blog posts

Goal status: to do

35. Cut down number of tv shows I watch by 1/3

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I can say that I watch up to 24 hours of worth of shows I watch, rather than the 35.5 I watch now. I can watch new shows, but old shows have to be cut out to make room.

Why it's on my list: I obviously watch too much tv. The 35.5 hours I watch now are not every week, and are spread throughout fall, winter, and summer seasons, but it is still too much. I need to have fewer ways to waste my time.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Current list of tv shows:

.5Modern Family
.5Cougar Town
.5How I Met Your Mother
.5The Big Bang Theory
Lie to Me
Burn Notice
.5The Office
Law and Order SVU
Amazing Race
Grey’s Anatomy
Royal Pains
.5 Raising Hope
The Defenders
The Whole Truth
.5 The League
The Good Guys
the forgotten
Top Chef
Project Runway
.5The Soup
America’s Next Top Model
Celebrity Apprentice
2 American Idol
Brothers and Sisters
Desperate Housewives
Toddlers and Tiaras
.5Say Yes to the Dress
Private Practice
Models of the Runway
Tool Academy
Parks and Rec

Goal Status: complete (22.5/24) hours

34. Go to a drive in movie

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have seen one movie at a drive-in theatre

Why this is on my list: I haven't gone to a drive-in since I was little.  The nearest drive-in isn't very close so it will take some effort to plan and go to this movie. 

I will update here when I have completed this goal

Goal status: to do

33. Go to a concert

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have gone to one music concert.  The main purpose of going should be the concert, not just something like a fair where a band is playing.

Why this is on my list: I have only seen a few concerts, and none very big.  I'd like to make an effort to go to a concert that I will really get excited about

I will update here when the goal is complete

Goal status: complete: Rob Thomas Concert

32. Go to a sporting event

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have gone to one sporting event such as a game or tournament.

Why this is on my list: Sports can be fun to watch.  I would love to go to an NFL game or something, but more likely I will be going to a local hockey game or something like that

I will update in my blog when this goal is complete

Goal status: Complete: 6/29/10 Mets game

31. See a Broadway show

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have seen one show on Broadway, either a play or musical

Why this is on my list: I have enjoyed the shows I have seen, but there are many more I would like to see.

I will update here when this goal is complete

Goal status: to do

30. Learn more about living intelligently on a teacher’s salary

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have compiled a list of doable strategies to use to live well on a teacher's salary

Why this is on my list: Both my boyfriend and I are going into teaching careers, and I want to be smart about our expenses, while being able to worry a little less about money.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: to do

29. Promote my library in 5 different ways

I consider this goal complete when/if: When I am a school library media specialist I promote library use in the school in 5 different ways

Why it's on my list:No one know what services the library offers without promotion.  This is a vital role, and I'd like to try to be creative with it.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do (3/5)
1.  School newsletter
2.  Sent letter to teachers advertising new books
3.  Spoke at a team leader meeting

28. Make a list of priorities for the week at my job for 10 weeks in a row

I consider this goal complete when/if: During my first full year as a library media specialist I complete a collaborative unit or project with a teacher and his or her class.

Why it's on my list:The most important role for a media specialist is that of collaborator in the school.  In the first year it can often be a challenge to find a teacher to collaborate with, but it is important to do so

Changed 1/18/11

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do

27. Buy 5 dresses or skirts that I will actually wear to work

I consider this goal complete when/if: I own 5 dresses or skirts that are appropriate for my school librarian job.

Why it's on my list: I realized during my internships that I only have pants that are appropriate, but I would like to have more skirts.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: In Progress (2/5)

26. Use three Web 2.0 tools in lessons with students

I consider this goal complete when/if: While a school librarian I use three different Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis or podcasts with students

Why it's on my list: This is an area that is of very much interest to me.  I would like to find good ways to use new technology with the current curriculum to enhance learning.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do (1/3)
1.  Used Wordle with my 7th/8th grade library classes

25. Attend one library organization conference

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have gone to one professional conference as a professional school librarian

Why it's on my list: It is important to keep developing professionally, and hear from others in your field.  Plus, librarians are really fun, cool people.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: Complete: I attended the Leatherstocking library conference

24. Get a job as a school library media specialist

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have a full time job as a school library media specialist in grades K-12

Why this is on my list: I just earned my master in library science, and my certification as a library media specialist. It's time for me to get a real job!

I will update the progress of this goal through blog updates here

Goal status: complete

23. Go to a book signing

I consider this goal complete when/if: I go to an author's book signing and get a book signed by him or her

Why it's on my list: I like hearing authors read and talk, but I'm usually too shy to get my book signed by them

This goal will be written about when complete

Goal Status: complete

22. Read YA books by authors starting with every letter from A-Z

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have read a book written by a YA author whose name starts with each letter of the alphabet.
Why this is on my list: I love young adult literature, and am going to be a school librarian. I'd like to read wider in this category of books.
I will update in this blog
Goal status: In progress (17/26)
Asher, Jay.  Thirteen Reasons Why
Bray, Libba Going Bovine
Cabot, Meg Jinx
Donnelly, Jennifer.  A Northern Light
Forman, Gayle.  If I Stay
Grahame-Smith, Seth, and Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Hale, Shannon The Goose Girl
Jocelyn, Marthe Would You
King, A. S. Please Ignore Vera Dietz
Levithan, David.  Boy Meets Boy
Meyers, Walter Dean Handbook for Boys
Oliver, Lauren Before I Fall
Peck, Richard The River Between Us
Reinhardt, Dana.  Harmless
Stiefvater, Maggie Shiver
Winters, Ben H. and Jane Austen.  Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
Zusak, Markus The Book Thief

21. Read children’s chapter books by authors starting with every letter from A-Z

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have read 26 children's books -- by authors whose lasts names begin with each letter of the alphabet.

Why it's on my list: I am going to be a school librarian and I want to continue reading children's literature in preparation.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do (13/26)
Barry, Dave Peter and the Star Catchers
Cooper, Susan.  Over Sea, Under Stone
Ferris, Jean.  Once Upon a Marigold  
Gaiman, Neil Coraline
Henkes, Kevin. Olive's Ocean
Korman, Gordon One False Note
Le Guin Ursula, A Wizard of Earthsea
Martin, Ann M.  A Corner of the Universe
Osborne, Mary Pope The Magic Tree House book 1
Paterson, Katherine.  Bread and Roses Too
Riordan, Rick. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The lightning Thief
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit
Wood, Maryrose.  The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, Book 1: The Mysterious Howling

20. Read 30 adult books I’ve never read before

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have completely read 30 books written for an adult audience in 1001 days
Why this is on my list: I love reading, and wanted a goal to live up to.
I will update as I read my books in this blog
Goal status: in progress (19/30)

1. I, Claudius
2. The Lovely Bones
3Becoming Jane Eyre
4. The Han Solo Trilogy: The Paradise Snare
5. The Han Solo Trilogy: The Hutt Gambit
6.  The Han Solo Trilogy: Rebel Dawn
7. Anansi Boys
8. The Kite Runner
9. Their Eyes were Watching God
10. American Gods
11.  The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume I
12. The Bedwetter, Sarah Silverman
13.  Shutter Island
14. Room by Emma Donoghue
15. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
16. The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson
17. Bossypants by Tina Fey
18. The Help by Katherine Stockett
19.  I'm a stranger Here Myself by Bill Bryson

19. Read 5 Shakespeare plays that I haven’t read before

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have read five Shakespeare Plays that I've never read before

Why it's on my list: I love Shakespeare and would like to continue experiencing his work

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do (0/5)

18. Read 5 of my writing books

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have read five of my current books about writing.

Why it's on my list: I have many of these books and need to actually read them.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do (0/5)

17. Complete a 26 things photo scavenger hunt one month

I consider this goal complete when/if: One month I complete the 26 days photo challenge

Why it's on my list: I ant to use my digital camera more, and I like the idea of putting images to sometimes abstract, and sometimes concrete concepts.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: In Progress February 2010

16. Write in my paper journal 5 times every month

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have written in my paper journal 5 times every month.

Why it's on my list: I have never been able to journal every day, and get discouraged when I try.  However, I love journals, and have many I would like to fill.  I think five a month is doable.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: In Progress:  I am starting in February 2010 after not getting a good start in January
February:  2/5 entries
March: 5/5
April: 3/5
May: 5/5
June: 4/5
July: 1/5
Rest of 2010: 0

Jan: 4/5
Feb: 1/5

15. Write first draft of a novel

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have at least a first draft of a complete novel.

Why it's on my list: I have always wanted to write a novel, and I would like to make it a real goal that I have to achieve

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do

14. Submit a short story for publication

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have finished a short story and submitted it to at least one magazine or periodical for publication

Why it's on my list: I have always wanted to be a writer, and in this 1001 days I have a few goals to help me actually start writing in earnest. Writing a short story should be an interesting journey for me.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do

Friday, January 8, 2010

13. Learn 5 songs on my bass

I will consider this goal complete when/if: I have memorized 5 new songs on my electric bass guitar.

Why it is on my list: I have owned my bass for several years, but don't take lessons anymore, or ever use it. I know I'm not ever going to do much with it, but I would like to get in the habit of picking it up more often and learning some songs.

The progress of this goal will be tracked in posts on this blog

Goal status
: in progress

12. Finish my Author/Writing inspiration bulletin board

I will consider this goal complete if/when: I finish filling the bulletin board I started with pictures of my favorite authors, and quotes from them.

Why this is on my list: I started this project a while ago. It was suggested in one of my writing books as something to have in your writing space. I'll be able to look at the people I admire as writers while I am writing.

This goal will be tracked here through blog posts

Goal status: to do

11. Finish my quilt

I will consider this goal complete if/when: My quilt that I have already started is finished by the end of my 1001 days

Why this goal is on my list: I bought the fabric for this autumn-themed quilt at least two years ago. So far I have washed, ironed, and cut it in strips. There is a lot of work left to do, but I would like to finish it.

I will update the progress of this goal through blog posts here

Goal progress: in progress:
All strips are sewn together and the seams have been ironed

10. Print pictures from my year abroad in England and put them in an album

I will consider this goal complete if/when: I have printed out selected pictures from my year abroad, either on my own or through a service. I will then need to put them in an album

Why this is on my list: It has been over 4 years since I lived in England, and I'd like to have a physical album of my favorite pictures
This goal will be documented through various posts in this blog

Goal status: in progress:  
I have assessed which pictures I want to print out, and how much it will cost.  I am now saving up about 50 dollars to do this goal.

9. Get a literary tattoo

I will consider this goal complete if/when: At the end of 1001 days I have a tattoo that is a quote from a book I love

Why this is on my list: I was never able to decide whether I wanted a tattoo or not. However, when I learned about all-text literary tattoos, the idea really resonated with me. I am a future school librarian, and I have loved books forever. The only problem now will be choosing what quote to have done.

This is a one-off task that will be documented here when complete

Goal status: to do

8. Go ice skating

I consider this goal complete if/when: I have gone ice skating one winter during the 1001 days

Why this is on my list: I used to love ice skating. I haven't been able to go for several years because my boyfriend tore his ACLs 3 times, and I didn't have anyone else interested in going. He is all fixed up now, and hopefully we can go.

This is a one off task that I will write about here when finished

Goal status: complete

Update entry

7. Go hiking

I will consider this goal complete if/when: I have gone hiking one time. I am not a very experienced hiker, so it does not have to be a difficult trail.

Why it is on my list: Hiking is something my boyfriend and I have enjoyed when we have done it. I'd like to go again

This is a one off task that I will write about here when it is complete

Goal Status: to do

6. Go Kayaking

I will consider this goal complete if/when: I have gone kayaking one time

Why this is on my list: My parents own two kayaks, but I haven't gone out in them in several years now. I would like to try kayaking again.

This is a one off task that I'll document here when it is complete

Goal status: to do

5. Go to a water park

I will consider this goal complete when/if: I have gone to a waterpark for the day one time

Why this is on my list: I do not really like amusement parks, but I have always loved water slides. This will make sure I make it a priority to go to one.

This is a one off task and I will document its completion in this blog

Goal status: to do

4. Go camping at least once a year

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have gone camping three times, once in 2010, once in 2011, and once in 2012.

Why this is on my list: My boyfriend and I love camping, and I'd like to make it a goal so that we make an effort to go every summer.

This goal will be tracked through occasional posts on this blog

Goal Status: to do (0/3)

3. Try skiing

I consider this goal complete when/if: I have gotten on skis, gone up a ski lift, and gone down the hill at least one time in 1001 days

Why this is on my list: My dad and sister love skiing and go every weekend, but my mom and I never do it. When I was in high school I took a snow boarding lesson once, but was too scared to go up the ski lift with my snowboard. I want to move past that pathetic event and try skiing at least once, to know whether or not I like it.

This is a one off task, and I will write about it here when it is complete

Goal status: to do

2. Find a geocache

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have sucessfully found a hidden geocache item.

Why it is on my list: I think finding a geocache sounds like a fun thing to do, and could lead to a fun outing.

This is a one off task and I will write a blog entry here when it is complete

Goal Status: complete

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1. Go see three waterfalls

I consider this goal complete when/if: At the end of 1001 days I have seen three different waterfalls.

Why it's on my list: My boyfriend and I have gone on some easy trails in the past few years to places with waterfalls. We always have fun on these trips, and I'd like to make the time for more.

This goal will be tracked by various posts in this blog

Goal Status: To Do (0/3)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

101 in 1001

This is my third 101 list. The first one I got pretty far with and gave up on. The last one I only started last January, but I never kept track of it. I'm in a new period of my life now and wanted to start over. This time I thought harder about realistic goals that I could also be enthusiastic about. I left empty goals to fill in later instead of putting in things I will get bored with.

I am 24 years old, and I have just completed my masters in information studies. I am currently looking for a job as a school media specialist. I think a lot of changes are going to come about in my life in the next 1001 days, so it was hard to even imagine what I would be doing.

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Beginning Date: 6 January 2010
End Date: 10/3/2012

50 days: 2/25/2010
100 days: 4/16/2010
250 days: 9/13/2010
500 days: 5/21/2011
750 days: 1/26/2012

Items in green are complete: 19/101
Items in purple are in progress: 28/101

1. Go see three waterfalls (0/3) (more info)
2. Find a geocache (more info)
3. Try skiing (more info)
4. Go camping at least once a year (0/3) (more info)
5. Go to a water park (more info)
6. Go Kayaking (more info)
7. Go hiking (more info)
8. Go ice skating (more info)
9. Get a literary tattoo (more info)

10. Print pictures from my year abroad in England and put them in an album (more info)
11. Finish my quilt (more info)
12. Finish my Author/Writing inspiration bulletin board (more info)
13. Learn 5 songs on my bass (0/5) (more info)
14. Submit a short story for publication (more info)
15. Write first draft of a novel (more info)
16. Write in my paper journal 5 times every month (more info)
17. Complete a 26 things photo scavenger hunt one month (0/26) (more info)

18. Read 5 of my writing books (0/5) (more info)
19. Read 5 Shakespeare plays that I haven’t read before (0/5) (more info)
20. Read 30 adult books I’ve never read before (16/30) (more info)
21. Read children’s chapter books by authors starting with every letter from A-Z (12/26)(more info)
22. Read YA books by authors starting with every letter from A-Z (16/26)(more info)
23. Go to a book signing (more info)

24. Get a job as a school library media specialist (more info)
25. Attend one library organization conference (more info)
26. Use three Web 2.0 tools in lessons with students (1/3) (more info)
27. Buy 5 dresses or skirts that I will actually wear to work (2/5) (more info)
28. Make a list of priorities for the week at my job 10 weeks in a row (0/10) (more info)
29. Promote my library in 5 different ways (3/5) (more info)
30. Learn more about living intelligently on a teacher’s salary (more info)

31. See a Broadway show (more info)
32. Go to a sporting event (more info)
33. Go to a concert (more info)
34. Go to a drive in movie (more info)
35. Cut down number of tv shows I watch by one third of the hours 22.5/24 (more info)
36. Watch only an hour of TV a day for 1 month (0/30) (more info)
37. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet (15/26)(more info)
40. Stop watching TV after 7pm 1 night a week (22/123) (more info)
41. Have 3 board game nights (3/3) (more info)

42. Make 20 new recipes (20/20) (more info)
43. Keep recipes I like in one binder (more info)
44. Cook once a week while I live at home (more info)
45. Go to 10 new restaurants (10/10) (more info)
46. Try 20 new kinds of beer (20/20) (more info)

47. Make a conscious effort to speak louder and be heard the first time I say something (more info)
48. Make a new friend (more info)
49. Go on a date every month with Justin (8/33) (more info)
50. Move out of my parents' house for good. (more info)
51. Shop at local businesses 20 times (12/20) (more info)
52. Get engaged (more info)
53. Join some kind of group that meets regularly (e.g. book club) (more info)

54. Make a list of 100 things I want to know more about (100/100) (more info)
55. Research 10 of these things (0/10) (more info)
56. Read the news three times a week for 6 months (1/6) (more info)
57. Complete the simple dollar 31 days to fix your finances (0/31) (more info)
58. Read biographies of the first 5 presidents (0/5) (more info)
59. Take 5 recreational classes or workshops (0/5) (more info)
60. Read 75 skills every woman should master, and master 10 more (0/10) (more info)

Health and fitness
61. Get HPV vaccine (3/3) (more info)
62. Cut soda out of my diet (more info)
63. Actively seek out doctors to solve current medical issues (more info)
64. Learn effective techniques for managing anxiety, including consulting a doctor (more info)
65. Take a fitness class (more info)
66. Switch to the Curly Girl hair method (more info)
67. Do my Wii Fit or Yoga DVDs 3 times a week for 3 months (2/36) (more info)
68. Make an emergency kit for my car (more info)
92. Complete the 200 sit-up challenge(more info)
93. Complete 100 push-ups (more info)
94.  Complete the 12 week beginner walking program (6/12)(more info)

69. Play in the snow (more info)
70. Do something outside for 30 days total in one summer (10/30) (more info)
71. Take a photo a day for 6 months (0/180) (more info)
72. Take 100 videos with my flip mino (31/100) (more info)
73. Wear a costume one Halloween (more info)
74. Get a dog (more info)

75. Go to 5 fairs or other local events (2/5) (more info)
76. Go to three state parks (0/3) (more info)
77. Go to 3 states I’ve never been to. One must not border the Atlantic (0/3) (more info)
78. Go to a park 4 times in one summer (1/4) (more info)

79. Give a present to a child on a wish tree each Christmas (1/2) (more info)
80. Volunteer 50 hours at a dog shelter (more info)
81. Make a Kiva loan (more info)
82. Create and donate a blanket to Project Linus (more info)

The list
83. Review and update this list at least once every two weeks (9/60) (more info)
84. Create a blog to track progress and update regularly (more info)
85. Collect my loose change and keep it to fund my wedding (more info)
86. Create new 101 list (more info)

Apartment goals:
87. Hem the curtains in our apartment(more info)
88. Reorganize the kitchen to make it easier to use.
89. Wash dishes every day right after dinner for 2 weeks (1/14)
90. Go three new places in the Utica area (0/3)
91. Take a bubble bath in our apartments huge bath tub

95. Make at least one DIY project for my wedding(more info)
96. Make something (clothing or accessory) that I am willing to wear in public
38. Buy a new laptop
39. Write in write or die for 15, then 20, then 30 minutes (0/3)
97. Make a recording for librivox

98. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011(more info)
99. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011
100. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011
101. Reserved to be filled by 9/20/2011